ABC Western Michigan Chapter
The Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is the leading organization to represent America’s commercial construction industry and the merit shop philosophy.
Local, State, and National Membership
As the Associated Builders and Contractors Western Michigan Chapter (ABC WMC), we represent the Western Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. ABC WMC was founded in 1956. Since the beginning, we’ve been focused on creating value for our members. We’re one of three regional chapters that provide resources, industry events, connections, training, and more to help advance the commercial and industrial construction industry.

Connect the Industry
We promote connections and collaboration through top-tier events, networking, and a diverse range of committees and peer groups.
Protect the Industry
We are committed to health and safety. Our STEP Safety Management System (supported by MIOSHA), safety resources, and opportunities provide members with tools to make the industry a safer place.
Grow the Industry
Defend the Industry
We aggressively defend and advance members’ interests in Lansing and DC. As the voice for the merit shop, we focus on the legislative issues that impact members’ businesses.
Founded on the merit shop philosophy, we help members develop people, win work, and deliver that work safely, ethically, and profitably for the betterment of our communities and the construction industry.
ABC on the Local, State, and National Level

ABC WMC works with members to:
Invest in strengthening the community
Foster meaningful relationships and promote collaboration
Create safe jobsites
Develop the next generation of the construction industry’s workforce
Defend merit shop principles
ABC Michigan
Supported by Michigan’s three regional chapters
Serves as the voice of the Merit Shop in Lansing
Advocates for legislation impacting contractors
Endorses candidates for state offices
ABC National
Provides industry-leading resources and data
Recognizes world-class safety programs
Advocates for merit shop policy
Serves as the construction industry’s voice in national media
ABC WMC Bylaws
Principles of the Merit Shop
Provides industry-leading resources and data
Recognizes world-class safety programs
Advocates for merit shop policy
Serves as the construction industry’s voice in national media
Purposes and Objectives
The primary objective of this Association is to foster and perpetuate the principles of the Merit Shop, Open Competition and Free Enterprise as listed in Article I. In addition to this primary objective, this Association shall pursue and promote the following activities:
Encourage, develop, and protect the construction industry.
Promote confidence and goodwill within the building and construction industry and between this industry and the general public.
Organize builders, general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers, and related groups of all kinds into Chapters and organizations in order to encourage the free interchange of views and techniques and to facilitate the accomplishment of the primary objectives of the Association.
Organize and promote meetings, seminars, conferences, publications, and other media of all kinds, in order to maintain a well-informed industry and general public.
Promote and encourage continuing education, apprenticeship and other training programs for management and the crafts within the construction industry.
Promote safety and training within the construction industry.
Promote insurance, hospitalization, pension, training, and other programs for the benefit of the general welfare of the employees of the Merit Shop industry.
Promote the ABC Code of Ethics for the construction industry as provided in the ABC National Policy & Procedures Manual.
Promote such other activities or services as may benefit the membership, further the objectives of ABC, and promote the principles of the Merit Shop, Open Competition and Free Enterprise.
Interested in becoming a member? We’d love to have you! Learn more about member benefits and the application process at the link.