Defending the Industry

Merit Shop Advocacy Committee

ABC and ABC WMC strongly believe in merit shop values and promoting these tenants within our membership and community. We also know that when we work together, we create a strong, unified voice.

As a member of the Merit Shop Advocacy Committee, you’ll help create, develop, and pursue a targeted approach to engaging membership in political advocacy. You’ll also help increase public awareness of relevant labor issues and position ABC at the forefront of merit shop advocacy. In short—if you’re passionate about the merit shop philosophy, this is the group for you.

Defending the Industry Events

The Merit Shop Advocacy Committee meets regularly to discuss any upcoming regulatory changes or priorities. In addition to those meetings, we occasionally host events to brief members on advocacy and emerging issues. Check out the calendar below for more information on our upcoming events.

Get Involved

If you’re interested in joining the Merit Shop Advocacy Committee or just want more information, fill out the form and we’ll be in touch soon!

Get Involved - ABC Western Michigan

ABC WMC Committees are open to ABC WMC members only. Are you currently an ABC WMC member?(Required)
What Committee/Peer Group are you interested in joining?