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Young Professionals Tour at the Capitol

June 18 @ 7:00 am - 2:30 pm

ABC Young Professionals are trying something new this year — we’re teaming up with ABC Greater and Southeastern Michigan’s Young Professional groups to get an inside scoop of how things work in Lansing!


Join us for a day filled with:

  • Exploring the capitol building
  • Checking out the House Floor
  • Watching a senate session be announced
  • Visiting lawmakers in our region
  • Scoping out various committees


We’ll cap off the day with lunch with lawmakers before we head back to Grand Rapids.




When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Where: Michigan State Capitol, ABC Michigan Office

123 W. Allegan St., Floor 6

Lansing, MI 48933



7:15AM: Leave Grand Rapids

8:30AM: Arrive at ABC Michigan’s Office for scheduled events

12:00PM: Lunch with Invited Lawmakers

2:30PM: Arrive back in Grand Rapids


Who: ABC YP interested in learning more about the state’s legal processes


Cost: FREE