Connecting the Industry

Electrical Contractors Council

Join industry leaders in West Michigan and come together to discuss the specific challenges that electrical contractors face. Unlike some of our other peer groups, the Electrical Contractors Council (ECC) only consists of professionals who work or own businesses in the electrical contracting industry.

Committee Chair: Peter Reese, HighPoint Electric

Join a group of peers to discuss legislation, regulations, safety measures, and other items specific to the work you do every day.

Electrical Contractors Council Meetings

The ECC holds regular events for members to engage with one another and address relevant issues they may be facing. Click the link below to learn more about upcoming ECC meetings.

Get Involved

If you’re interested in joining the ECC or just want more information, fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch soon!

Get Involved - ABC Western Michigan

ABC WMC Committees are open to ABC WMC members only. Are you currently an ABC WMC member?(Required)
What Committee/Peer Group are you interested in joining?